This product will help you to attract your audiences to hear your stories and ideas. Then turns your ideas into real projects. Also helps your audiences and investors to know what benefits they will get.
This product is designed to easy-editable even for beginners, without overwhelming animations and additional software. You will get more free and relax times because you don’t need to make everything from scratch. Sounds good, isn’t it? 🙂
- 120+ unique slides with total of 800+ slides
- HD resolution slides (19:6 / 1920×1080) no more broken images!
- Easy and fully editable in Keynote (shape color, size, position, etc)
- 6 ready made theme: blue, green, multicolor, magenta, orange/yellow, purple.
- 500+ easy editable font icons kit. We know you love icons!
- Work faster with Drag and drop picture placeholder plus auto-adjustment (size, transparency, shape, etc)
- Elegant transition animations and object animation (not over-animated)
- Elegant company profile slides
- Easy editable data driven charts (pie, bar, line)
- Effective infographics with creative visualization
- Devices mockup with drag and drop screen placeholder
- All about maps : Europe, U.S, Asia, Australia (specific map: Germany, U.K)
What inside the package
- Keynote: Pitch – Red / magenta
- Keynote: Pitch – Multicolor
- Keynote: Pitch – Orange / yellow
- Keynote: Pitch – Blue
- Keynote: Pitch – Green / turquoise
- Keynote: Pitch – Purple
- PDF: Product quick guide (documentation)
Fonts (all free) Free fonts used, please check PDF for more details